NWF Roster

Real Name (Optional): Kit Rae Kilgorn

Wrestler's Name: Kilgorn

Valet/Manager (If Any): Katharina (Kat)

Wrestler's Weight: 240 lbs

Wrestler's Height: 6 Foot

Wrestler's Hometown: Virginia

Wrestler's Alignment: Face

Wrestler's Appearance: In Ring and Out of Ring Kilgorn is fully cloaked in black including covering his face due to all of the scars of a severe fire that he barely came out of alive.

Entrance Theme: Kid Rock "American Badass"

Entrance (Optional): The arena lights dim as "American Badass" by Kid Rock hits the speakers and Kat comes walking out to the entrance ramp. She turns and looks back as Kilgorn steps out from the back slowly carrying a small 4 foot long coffin in his arms. As he reaches the ring he kneels down before it and slowly pets the steel lock holding it shut. Kat then takes the coffin to the side as Kilgorn enters the ring.

Basic Moves (At-least 5): Hard clothesline, DDT, powerbomb, many different suplexes, piledrivers, mixture of rough fighting with grappling.

Signatures Moves (At-least 3): One arm chokeslam, Evenflow DDT, Elevated Boston Crab, Double Underhook DDT

Setup Move(s): "Get Over Here" One Arm Chokeslam without letting go then lifts the opponent up and tosses them to the turnbuckle

Finisher(s): "Toasty" Kilgorn raises his opponent to the top turnbuckle and executes a super brain buster from the top rope.

Wrestler's Bio/Background: Kilgorn's family all died in a major fire when the family home burned down. Kilgorn was the only one to survive the fire but his body was so grotesquely burned that he has to wear a full body cloak when out in public. Kilgorn's vocal chords were also burned so badly that he cannot speak and can only grunt or growl. Kilgorn's "good friend" Katharina (Kat) is with him at all times and does all of his speaking for him. Kilgorn has entered the NWF since he looks like such a monster he thought this would be the only place for him. As unusual as it may seem but Kilgorn carries around a small four foot long coffin, he keeps it locked shut and nobody knows what is inside of it. It could be a relative, it could be the family dog, or it could be something even more sinister.

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