NWF Roster

Wrestler's Name: Naron
Wrestler's Nickname: N/A
Manager/Valet: N/A
Wrestler's Height: 5'8"
Wrestler's Weight: 130
Wrestler's Hometown: Chicago, IL
Entrance Theme: "This Bitch Has Balls" AC/DC
Alignment: (Face/Heel/Neutral) Heel
Wrestling Style(s): Old School

Appearance/Attire: Black leather duster over black jumpsuit

Basic Moves (at-least five, please): Hurricanrana, Flying Elbow, Slingshot, Wristlock, Leglock, Belly-to-Back Suplex

Signature Moves (at-least three, please): Crossface(ala Benoit), Somersault Splash, Surfboard

Set-up Move(s): Slingshot from the ropes to a Flying Elbow

Finisher(s): The Redemption: Naron flips her opponent from the top rope and goes for the pin.

Biography: Naron began her career in XUW. She met Samurai Bob and managed his career for many years. She left Bob to manage Henrik the King, eventually marrying Henrik and giving birth to his daughter Arianne. After Henrik left her, she wrestled for a while longer before leaving XUW for the NWF. Since joining the NWF, she has held the Tag Team Title with The Reaper and is currently working on her main goal: The World Title.

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